Friday, May 11, 2007

Like Old, Like New

There is an old philosophical quandary that goes some thing like this: Say you had a ship, and over time, as you did your repairs, gradually removed part after part as they became worn, and replaced them. Then some inventive individual decided to go and gather all those discarded parts and pieced the ship back together. The question is then asked....which is the real ship? After all, the first never went away...yet, the other is made of every thing the first ever was.

In philosophical terms, this question has no correct answer; if indeed there can be an answer. Philosophy is more of a brain game that is designed to make us think; and while it brings up many ponderables, conundrums, and thinking outside the box, in large part I find it has no great purpose.

Yet, as is my wont, I puzzled over this question in spiritual terms. In many ways, I see 'us' as that ship. Both of them.

Indeed, scripture supports this. You began as something different than you are. Your nature was everything that set you apart from God, and through the years, piece by piece; you have replaced parts of yourself; until in the are different than when you started. At least that is the goal. Yet, while you remain in this body, the parts of you, you have sought to change are all there. Able to be gathered and to rebuild again the man who is apart from God.

Romans 12:1-3 "Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God - this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will."

2 Cor: 3:18 "And we who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit."

I suppose I considered this subject, because it is easy to become lost in feeling that you are not where you ought to be. That you are not a part of God's plan, or that you've become bogged in life's struggles. But I would suggest that God's plan for you is not some; Flash! Bang! Look at the shiny new Christian!

No, we are not what we were, when we began. Yet, until the day God comes to claim us, we still carry around with us the ability to build again the person we have striven so hard to change. And so, Paul's encouragement becomes most important. Live as the person you want to be for God, not as what you are; and you cannot help but move towards God.

Because of Him,
Steve Emmons

Friday, March 9, 2007


I am the rugged sandles on Jesus’s sinless feet.
I travel over the endless road of Nazareth.
I make the noise of God’s word preaching to the people.
I allow my passengers to see the depths of my heart.
I want my passengers to ride for eternity.
I am the rugged sandles on Jesus’s sinless feet.

I am Madison Elise Hancock
I pretend I can do anything that I put my mind to.
I feel that nothing can stop me from getting there.
I touch other people with my kindness.
I worry people think of me differently.
I cry happy tears when I succeed.
I am Madison Elise Hancock

I am Madi.
I land in muck when I follow the wrong path.
I show gumption when I know the Lord is on my side.
I understand what it takes to get to heaven.
I dream about what the future holds for me!
I try to be the best in everything I do.
I hope that I do everything through Christ.
I am Madi.

I am the rugged sandles on Jesus’s sinless feet.
My journey is to spread God’s word.
My rider will face hard times.
My rider will need patience & strength.
My journey ends at the old rugged cross!
I am the rugged sandles on Jesus’s sinless feet.

~ Madison E. Hancock
March 2007

Monday, February 5, 2007

101 Ways to Serve at Saturn Road . . . and Have Fun, too!

1. Pray for our Elders
2. Teach a Class
3. Help with Vacation Bible School – Teach, Teachers aid, registration, musical, cookies, etc…..
4. Pray for our Ministers
5. Helping Hands Volunteer –Teachers aids assistance (meets every Wed night in Supply Room)
6. Volunteer at the Saturn Rd. offices
7. Pray for our Deacons
8. Send a Sympathy Card
9. Attend a Wedding Shower
10. Pray for our Missionaries
11. Write an encouragement/thank you note to one of your child’s or your Bible School teachers
12. Send a Memorial gift to a Christian charity
13. Attend a baby shower
14. Send a Get Well card
15. Make a hospital visit
16. Write an encouragement note to one of the ministers
17. Visit a shut-in
18. Work on Ladies Retreat Committee
19. Pray for our Bible Class Teachers
20. Contribute clothing/household items to Medina’s Thrift Store. Call: 214-703-0454 for home pickup
21. Visit a Senior Citizen at a Nursing Home
22. Donate school supplies to Caldwell Elementary or a Children’s Home
23. Volunteer at Charity events
24. Participate in the “Change” programs for Medina & Boles Children’s Home–MCH in Spring, Boles in Fall
25. Write an encouragement note to an elder (repeat until all elders receive a note)
26. Serve or provide food for a bereaved family following funeral
27. Be on a Visitation team – Teams meet on Tuesday evening. Contact Sue Yarbrough to sign up.
28. Give your church contribution regularly
29. Host a Youth activity
30. Be an email buddy to a missionary
31. Volunteer at CPR during the summer
32. Assist a child financially to attend camp
33. Donate hotel shampoo, soaps, lotions for Parkland patients in need
34. Work in the Dorcas ministry with cutting and sewing projects for area hospitals. Meets Wednesdays, Thursdays, & Saturdays at the Dorcas House.
35. Send cards/letters to a soldier overseas.
36. Volunteer in the kitchen for a Saturn Rd. event
37. Send a Birthday card to a 49’er.
38. Donate used magazines to area Hospital waiting rooms – Don’t forget to remove your mailing label!
39. Invite a neighbor to church
40. Attend a funeral
41. Donate for a Christmas project–Caldwell Elementary, Medina Children’s Home, or Boles Children’s Home
42. Mentor a new sister in Christ from the Nexus program
43. Attend the Teachers Appreciation Banquet and honor a teacher!
44. Clean the home of someone who just had surgery
45. Volunteer in the church kitchen during the Saturn Rd. event
46. Provide a meal to a new baby’s family
47. Contribute to Harvest Sunday!
48. Volunteer at a Christian camp
49. Call someone you’ve missed seeing at church
50. Attend the Jr./Sr. Banquet and honor our many seniors!
51. Deliver food to a bereaved family
52. Send a care package to a college student
53. Assist a family that is struggling financially with a Grocery Store gift card.
54. Clip hose for the Dorcas Ministry (it’s used for stuffing for pillows)
55. Volunteer at a hospital
56. Be a Secret Prayer Sister
57. Volunteer at Christian Care Center
58. Attend worship services regularly …. Look for a visitor to meet!
59. Participate in your One in Heart group.
60. Write an encouragement note to another one of our ministers
61. Support a local gospel meeting
62. Send a Thinking of You note to a recent widow(er).
63. Sing at a funeral (if you have that talent)
64. Be a LTC coach (Leadership Training for Christ for our children and teens)
65. Give blood and save a life! (Register as a Bone Marrow Donor, too!) See John Baker.
66. Work at a Saturn Rd. “Work” Day
67. Attend a 50th/60th Anniversary Party
68. Honor a veteran….especially our WWII vets!
69. Attend Ladies Bible Class / Monthly Ladies Devo
70. Donate an item to the auction for the Medina Children’s Home Benefit dinner
71. Relieve an Alzheimer’s patient caregiver for an afternoon/night out
72. Invite a 49er for lunch with your family
73. Be an assistant in a children’s classroom; get Safe Place trained.
74. Volunteer at your community school
75. Put together a missionary care package
76. Volunteer for the ESL program (English as a Second Language)
77. Grade World Bible School correspondence course lessons
78. Donate an item to the Christian Care Center Fall Bazaar
79. Be a pen pal with an African missionary
80. Buy sermon tapes/CDs and share with non-Christians
81. Use email to communicate & encourage others with a daily devotional thought
82. Take a shut-in shopping or do their shopping for them
83. Become a grief counselor at Christian Works – Grief Works
84. Work with the Prison Ministry – visit the prisons, answer prisoner’s notes for prayer requests
85. Visit a children’s home and volunteer on their campus
86. Create and produce a bulletin board for a teacher
87. Donate an auction item to the Boles Home Benefit Dinner Auction
88. Volunteer at North Texas Food Bank / Central Dallas Ministries
89. Host a fellowship at your home for new members
90. Donate a used cell phone
91. Recycle a printer cartridge at Office Depot and donate the Free paper to the church
92. Donate groceries / supplies for Boles/ Medina during their Food Drives at Saturn Rd.
93. Attend the “Homes for the Holidays” Holiday program benefiting Medina/Boles
94. Pray for our school students
95. Bake a prayer pie – Pray for the lucky recipient who will receive your baked item
96. Send an encouragement note to a new Christian
97. Attend/Donate an item to the Christmas shop for the New Friends/New Life Holiday Open House
98. Work in the nursery during worship services
99. Bake cookies and deliver to Williams Funeral Home in Garland for a bereaved family’s visitation time
100. Volunteer for the 13th Annual North Texas Equipping the Saints Workshop
101. Take care of yourself by studying the Word daily!

Compiled by: Linda Cause

Thursday, January 25, 2007

A Peaceful Proposition

We go to church. All our friends are there, we love to sing, the sermons are pretty good and class is, most times, pretty interesting. Sunday mornings, Sunday nights, Wednesday class, retreats and more…

All in all things are pretty good. We have our jobs, our families, our friends, our toys and all sorts of things.

Deuteronomy 29. Here we find the people of God listening to Moses tell them of the covenant; the promise they are about to make to God, to be his people. VS 18-20, “Make sure there is no man or woman, clan or tribe among you today, whose heart turns away from God to go and worship the gods of those nations; make sure there is no root among you that produces such bitter poison. When such a person hears the words of this oath, he invokes a blessing on himself and therefore thinks, ‘I will be safe, even though I persist in going my own way.’ This will bring disaster on the watered land as well as the dry. The Lord will never be willing to forgive him; his wrath and zeal will burn against that man.”

Moses told them in VS 14-15, “I am making this covenant, with its oath, not only with you who are standing here with us today in the presence of the Lord our God, but also with those who are not here today…”

It is so easy for us to forget…to feel safe, that we are where we ought to be.

It is equally hard to keep the relationship with God alive when we have no difficulties, when struggles and hardship have not raised their ugly heads for a long time. It is so easy for Satan to slip in and, simply, leave us alone…let us get the feeling that we’re where God wants us, until gradually, we find we’re doing less. We pray less. We see fewer problems around us that we need to ask for His help…maybe because we tend to view rightness with God as a lack of problems.

Yet, Jesus told us to be ever watchful, for Satan goes about as a hungry lion, seeking those he might devour. But I think sometimes…just sometimes…Satan is gumming us to death. He has removed those sharp teeth and decided that harsh reality is not the ticket…instead…peace is the method of our destruction.

Let us remember that when we put on Jesus we made a covenant with God. Let us not feel safe, but be ever watchful for that evil that slips in silently and painlessly, and leaves us as far from God as if we were actively defying Him.

Because of Him,
Steve Emmons

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

A Psalm of My Own

Do I know you Father?
My heart longs to know you. To feel your presence inside me.
I search for you in your word. I plead for you in my prayers.
In events of my day, I ask myself…is that you…are you there?

Silence greets my thoughts. No word from on high proclaims your presence.
No miracle sparkles in my sight. And yet…

In the silence of my room; I know that you are there.
When quiet; I feel you watching.

I am not always where I should be. I don’t do all that I could do.
Selfishness crowds you out. Blindness empties me of your peace.
I thrash about in frustration. Lack of knowing you saps my strength.

In my pain and anguish, with tears on my face, I cry out to you.
My chest burns with need.
My throat clenches with words and sorrow that I am ashamed to speak.

For in the depths of my being I know you.
I have known you since I was small, though I know not how.
Yet, there is no place that I would rather be.
No place that I can conceive of, would serve me better.

Of my lack, you have abundant evidence.
Of my failures you have lost count.
My sins are without number.
And yet…

There is nowhere for me to turn. No one who can offer me solace.
No one who would forgive me all that I have done. Except you.
So, in humble appeal I lay myself before you.
I offer no excuse. I make no explanations.

I begin today anew. If your will allows it.
I take a deep breath, and ask your forgiveness
And, in spite of my doubts, I fumble through another day.
Regardless of my feelings, I labor in your service.

My hope…
That one day I may stand before you and hear you say…
I am proud of you….my son.

Steve Emmons

Welcome to Saturn Road Sayings

This blog will feature Christian essays from members of the Saturn Road Church of Christ.
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